Unops Local Individual Contractor Agreement

Remuneracion de los ICA local Los salarios de los ICA local reflejan las tarifas de mercado y las mejores condiciones que existen a nvel local para trabajos de naturaleza y complejidad similares. Los honorarios varéan de un paes a otro en funcién de la availabilitibilidad de mano de obra local con los levelings de conocimientos y competencias exigidos. Los ICA local con contratos de tres meses de duracién o mesen derecho a prestaciones adicionales, como capacitacién, un atractivo plan de seguro medico (en el que se incluye seguro de vida y prestaciones por discapacidad), un fondo de previsién, licencias anuales, parental por hellmedad. Individual contract agreement holders are an important resource for UNOPS and its partners. There are three types of ICAs, depending on functionality and workplace: International ICA, Local ICA Specialist and Local ICA Support. Depending on organizational needs, resource availability and the person`s satisfactory performance, ICAs have the opportunity to work for a short period of time (1 hour to 3 months) or, in the longer term, through a full-time agreement without a deadline. We bring the highest international standards to what we do, in accordance with local contexts. We do so as a contribution to solving the great challenges of the 21st century. The remuneration of ICAS International ICAs is a flat monthly fee. In addition, international ICAs are entitled to additional benefits such as attractive training opportunities, paid annual leave and paid parental and sick leave.

UNOPS also offers the possibility of enrolling in a guarantee fund (savings program). ICA`s international royalties are competitive and are within a certain post-level level based on a number of factors. The basic tax takes into account the amount of the contract and the current market rate for similar roles as well as the living and hard cost of the service concerned. In addition, factors such as degree of specialization, complexity of tasks, training or experience beyond the minimum required can be taken into account. Royalties are negotiated directly with the individual contractor, these factors being taken into account within the royalty limits applicable at each level. Donor countries are invited to contact [email protected] for more information.

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