Usda Compliance Agreement

(e) If a compliance agreement is refused or terminated, the person who entered into or requested the compliance agreement may, at the discretion of the administrator, be prohibited from processing or eliminating regulated waste. (5) Eliminate waste in the approved facility in a manner approved by the administrator and described in the compliance agreement. (d) Any compliance agreement may be denounced verbally or in writing by an inspector if the inspector finds that the person who entered into the compliance agreement has not complied with this paragraph. If the cancellation is oral, the cancellation and the reasons for the cancellation are confirmed in writing as soon as possible. Anyone whose compliance agreement has been terminated can appeal the decision in writing within 10 days of receiving the written notification of the cancellation. The complaint must state all the facts and grounds on which the person relies to prove that the compliance agreement was wrongly denounced. To the extent that circumstances permit, the complaint administrator will be entitled or refuse in writing and indicate the reasons for the decision. A hearing will be held to resolve any conflict concerning any essential facts. The administrator adopts the hearing rules. This administrative right must be exhausted before a person can take legal action against the cancellation of a compliance agreement. (c) approval of a compliance agreement may be refused at any time if the administrator finds that the applicant has not met the requirements set out in that part or cannot meet. Before rejecting any request for a compliance agreement, APHIS will provide this notification to the applicant and allow the applicant to prove or comply with the requirements.

(b) any person entering into a compliance agreement and that person`s staff or assistants must meet the following additional conditions and conditions, listed in the compliance agreement that the administrator deems necessary to prevent the spread of plant pests and animal or poultry diseases in or within the United States: (a) any person involved in the handling or disposal of waste in accordance with this sub-party must first enter into a compliance agreement with the Veterinary and Plant Health Service. Compliance forms (PPQ Form 519) are available free of charge from local USDA/APHIS/Plant Protection and Quarantine Offices, which are listed in telephone directories. (ii) When waste is regulated by the provisions of p. 330.402, waste is transported between states in packaging approved by the administrator; (2) provide inspectors with access to all personal records relating to waste handling or disposal, as well as all areas of waste treatment or disposal; (1) comply with all applicable provisions of this party; (i) Waste complies with the provisions of this Regulation. 330.401, waste is removed from a means of transport only in narrow, covered containers and sheltered from the outside; (4) Move waste only to a facility approved by the administrator; There you go.

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